Age Spots
Age Spots, or Sun Spots, are pigmented lesions and are usually flat to the skin. Most common in those aged over 50, they are caused by overactive pigment cells and can be exacerbated by excess sun exposure over a long period of time. Most commonly seen on the hands and face,
Treatment Options:
Belly Fat
Causes include genetics, hormones, medication, poor diet, lack of exercise and short or low-quality sleep. A healthy diet and active lifestyle can help people lose excess belly fat and lower the risk of problems associated with it.
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As fat cells increase, they push up against the skin. Tough, long connective cords pull down. This creates an uneven surface or dimpling, often referred to as cellulite. Cellulite is a very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen.
Treatment Options:
Excessive Sweating
Excessive sweating, or Hyperhydrosis, is a condition whereby the person sweats excessively when the body does not need to cool down. It can affect the whole body, however common areas include the armpits, hands and feet. Botulinum Toxin can be injected into the skin, which helps prevent the signals from the nervous system reaching the sweat glands, this in turns stops them working too hard and producing sweat.
Treatment Options:
Excessive Hair Growth
Excessive Hair Growth, or Hirsutism, is caused by an over production of androgens, leading to extra hair growth. While hormones are one of the leading causes, medications and some conditions can also contribute. Skin Doctor Clinics offers the latest Laser Hair Removal technology to help slow regrowth and reduce the overall appearance of hair growth.
Treatment Options:
Loose Skin
Despite the natural elasticity of skin, one of the biggest causes of sagging is rapid weight loss. When we gain weight, our skin has to stretch in order to accommodate any excess fat. If we suddenly lose all of that fat through intense exercise and dieting, it’s not uncommon for our skin to be loose afterwards. Depending on things like your age, skin health, genetics and how long you were overweight for, it can take time for skin to spring back. In some cases, it might always look a little saggy.
Treatment Options:
Love Handles
“Love handles” are areas of skin that extend outward from the hips. When combined with tight clothing, love handles can become more pronounced, but they aren’t caused by tight clothes alone. They indicate excess fat accumulation around the hips and abdominal area.
Treatment Options:
Mum Tum
Many women, even if they were healthy and had a toned body before pregnancy, fall victim to the mummy tummy which is also known as ‘mum tum’. The term ‘mummy tummy’ dreaded by all mothers is used to describe a bulge in the abdominal area that is caused by the separation of the Rectus Abdominis muscles during pregnancy. Most women are desperately trying to get their pre-baby body back with diet, exercise and yoga. Unfortunately, the mummy tummy is an enemy that is hard to get rid of with just health and fitness choices alone.
Treatment Options:
Spider Veins
Spider veins (also known as telangiectasias) occur due to weakness or damage in the veins. These veins can be purple or red (differing to blue varicose veins) and may appear in the form of thin lines, webs or branches. People sometimes also refer to them as thread veins and they commonly appear on the legs. Typically, they are not painful or harmful, but some people may wish to treat them for cosmetic reasons.
Treatment Options:
Stubborn Fat
Stubborn fat is by definition, fat that you find almost impossible to lose through diet and exercise even if you are doing the right things. These areas of stubborn fat are scientifically more resistant to fat burning.
Treatment Options:
Wrinkly Chest
Often called the décolletage, the chest commonly develops wrinkles and thin, crepey skin over time. This is caused by a decrease in collagen production and less elasticity. Lines and wrinkles on the chest are especially common in women as a result of breast tissue pulling the skin.
Treatment Options:
Wrinkly Hands
As you age, your hands lose fat and elasticity and your skin loses volume. This reduced volume and decreased elasticity produces translucent skin that wrinkles and develops age spots.
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