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Laser Skin Rejuvenation & Scarring (ResurFX)
Why ResurFX?
Tailored to address even the early signs of ageing. Noticeable results for skin texture and overall skin appearance. Experience minimal downtime in a “lunch-time” treatment and return to your busy lifestyle.
What is it?
The Lumenis ResurFX solution
The Lumenis ResurFX treatment is a fractional skin rejuvenation solution, enabling your physician to offer you remarkable results for younger, healthier, glowing looking skin. Our unique fractional rejuvenation technology, the ResurFX non-ablative skin resurfacing, allows for comfortable, fast treatment, with remarkable results.
ReNu Lift
Why not try our Skin Doctor bespoke treatment ‘ReNu Lift’ a combination of two powerful energy based devices, Nuera and ResurFX technology to lift, tighten and resurface the skin all in one session.
Improve skin texture, tone and firmness, smooth wrinkles, reduces pore size and acne scars.
Redness may occur for a few hours to a few days and flaking for one or two days with full recovery in five days.
Price per session –
Small scar from £150 Full face from £300

Laser Skin Rejuvenation & Scarring (ResurFX)
What can be treated?
- Wrinkles
- Acne
- Acne Scarring
- Age Spots (on the hands & chest)
- Superficial Skin Lesions
- Skin Resurfacing
Your questions answered
Lumenis energy-based treatments are not suitable for everyone and carry some risks. ResurFX is not suitable when you have active infections, viral, fungal or bacterial diseases, inflammatory skin conditions or skin cancer. Risks may include: redness, swelling, scarring, or a change of pigmentation.
The Lumenis ResurFX treatment works with your skin to stimulate deep collagen regeneration over a sequence of treatments.
Typically, about 3 sessions are needed to have visible improvement in the skin texture. But, already after the first treatment, you may notice changes in pores dimensions. Typically, results are achieved after 3-5 sessions in 4-5 weeks intervals. However, you may continue to see improvements for up to six months following the treatment.
Immediately following treatment, you may experience some redness or swelling, depending on your customized treatment settings. The swelling will usually diminish after a few hours and the redness as quickly as the next day or over the next few days. Most patients are able to resume their daily activities the very same day. Typically your physician should advise to stay out of direct sun for a few days following the treatment and to apply sun screen.
The ResurFX fractional laser is a state-of-the-art, non-ablative, skin resurfacing technology. ResurFX fractional laser stimulates the production of new collagen and elastic fibers in the deeper layers of the skin. Stimulating new collagen production is the key to a more radiant, youthful looking skin.
The ResurFX technology enables your physician to achieve excellent clinical results over a sequence of treatments while keeping your comfort maximal and downtime minimal.
The treatment
Depending on your specific concern, you can expect the session to last 15-30 minutes. You may experience a warm or prickling sensation as the laser is applied to the skin, but the treatment is gentle and should not feel uncomfortable.

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Get in touch to book a consultation with the doctor to assess suitability and discuss treatment options.